Yeah, I've been up since 3 am. Ask me why. I just happen to wake up in the middle of my sleep and everytime it happens, it's around 2 or 3 am. Damn Biological alarm clock!
Anyways, it's been a couple of days, a bit miserable - I officially finished school on Wednesday, with a not-so-hard Chemistry paper. I AM DONE WITH HIGHSCHOOL... Goodbye St Alban's College! Will miss you though... And while I'm on this topic, I'll be posting up a tribute song we (a band), did for our school, specifically our matric group.
ANYWAYS... Lol... Melvin van Os... Do not dare sleep on this musical gift. I've been in studio with him before, still have more work to do with him and it will be dope, I guarantee it. Will post it up when it's done. For now, here's a cover track he did a while back. John Legend's "Used To Love You":
Okay... Now that we've established that, how in the heavens did it come about to mean style or one's appearance?!?
In today's time - youth - swag or swagger, means one's appearance, style or the way you carry yourself. Swag is as important as brushing your teeth. It is fast becoming an overused word per say... Like, some folk, I dread how people replaced the word style. What was wrong with it? I mean, it even had a facelift to "steez"... Swag?!? Who the hell coined the term anyway?
"My swagger is Mick Jagger" - could it have been him? Mick Jagger?
Though, it is a catchy word and very use-able (My English teacher doesn't read my blog), it has, in some cases, caused deterioration to a society. Music. The excuse for a half-assed musician nowadays is, "ah, well, atleast he's got swag". My ass.
Either way, I can't hate on the word. Whether you're for it or against it, we all seemed to have hitched the ride at some point. So have I. And here's an example and memory of myself and a fellow rapper/producer/b.e.etmaker doing so. Here's some swag from The Academy, lol:
Swagger Jockin' (Jockin' Jay-Z Cover) by Ob1one & Poet-X: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2mmmcqmnkqz
Danger Mouse: Produced by I, spat on by Atmos The Fearless.... BUMP!
Post a comment or two and let me, or him, know what you think...
And while you're at it, check out his blog (do so with patience - it's pretty new, and he's a busy character): http://atmosthefearless.blogspot.com/